How to create an account and access your teamstore

New user without an account
1. Create your account
If you already have an account, please jump over to step 2.
If it’s your first time using our new teamshop you need to create an account. Create a new account by clicking on "Sign up here" in red markings. After you fill out your information, you will be taken back to the log in page. You can instantly log into your account with the email and password you just made.
Now your account is created please login and follow step 2 & 3 to access your teamstore.

Existing user with an account
2. Activate your teamstore
The first time you log into your account, you will be asked to enter the teamcode from your email.
Copy and paste your teamcode shared by your club/team/company into the "Activate Team store" section and click "+Add". You should now be able to see your teamstore.

3. Your teamstore overview
From the teamstore overview you have access to all teamstores activated by you. Click on the teamstore you'd like to shop from.
You can add more teamshops by entering teamshop codes & click add.
All teamstores are either marked with "Active" in green or "Closed" in grey. Active teamstores will show the last day of ordering. You can only shop if the teamstore is active.
Your teamstores will remain in the overview even when it's closed.
You can add more teamshops by entering teamshop codes & click add.

4. Welcome to your teamshop
Browse and shop training gear in your team design.